- Title of paper : Less than 12 words, 14 pt, times new roman, bold, uppercase, align text to the center
- Author (s) (12 pt. Times new roman, align text to the center, separated with coma for multiple authors)
- Affiliation (12 pt. Times new roman, align text to center, separated with semicolon for multiple institutions)
- Author 1 e-mail and author 2 e-mail (12 pt. Times new roman, align text to center, separated with semicolon for multiple email addresses)
- Abstracts must be written in English and should be typed in ms word.doc format, using 11 size times new roman fonts, single-spaced on A4-size paper, 200-250 words in length. Margin: top: 4 cm; left: 4 cm; bottom: 3 cm; right: 3 cm. Paragraph alignment: justified.
- Keywords: 3-5 keywords
- Abstract should be submitted via SIEC account within the REGISTRATION FORM or click here by April 30th 2021